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Thank you for writing this. I Just happened across this post when I came over from Paul Kingsnorth's The Abbey of Misrule. I think, and I could be wrong of course. But, as you were articulating a more human vision of Health, you are largely pointing to the unseen aims. The hierarchy of values as Jonathan Pageau discusses it. With that in mind we are able to clearly see that the aims of modern health, medicine, fitness are largely geared towards the values/gods of the machine, economy and consumption.

I am a Health and Fitness educator. I have recently been searching for a way to articulate a vision of Health that encapsulated all the aspects of our being. A book that has been helpful for me is "The Theology of Illness" By Jean-Claude Larchet it has shed some light on what it is that we are aiming at, and what you have masterfully articulated in your article. A healing of the mind, body and soul.

Thanks again!

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